Sunday, June 6, 2010

Zach's 5th Birthday Space Birthday

Pesonalized space suit that each child received in their box.

UFO, star and rocket ship sand from Oriental trading

Design you own space scene....

My son and I paper mached the planets..still a work in progress but we have a good start.

I gave out boxes, pesonalized with each childs name.

Inside the box contained a hand made space suit, astronaut ice cream,
a container of floam and a glow stick.

Yummy cupcakes! and I made a whip cream and strawberry cake for the adults.

I backed each chair with a rocket ship using my cricuit machine using co ordinating paper to match the rocketship on the tables.

more balloons...

I found giant stars at Jo ann fabric and used that as confetti.

I suspened the space ship and paper lanterns in varying sizes from the ceiling...

I pesonalized each place sitting with a cup designed as a rocket.

I added a flag and red traingles.